2024 Peter Ferguson Empower | Educate | Engage
Peter Ferguson approaches his life as Maya Angelou defined hers: to “not merely survive but to thrive; and do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” Peter is a mission-driven empowerment specialist dedicated to empowering others throughout his entire career. Ferguson is widely known and recognized, with over 25 years of experience facilitating and coordinating professional development engagements. His message reinforces that relationships matter and relationships are the foundation within each and every success a person experiences. Ferguson has been a successful non-profit executive and is a result-orientated educational professional who has made a transformational impact as an adult and youth leadership facilitator; He takes participants beyond the understanding impact to influence sustainability within adults and scholars for lasting development of interpersonal skills and development. Ferguson empowers thousands of people annually in various fields, including but not limited to K-12 public and private schools, districts, staff, administration, students, supplemental education entities, family advocacy agencies, government, and corporations. In addition, he is frequently invited to facilitate conversations about race, education, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and purpose during public speaking, workshops, and consulting engagements. Ferguson's extensive experience in youth advocacy and education is marked by the recognition and accolades he has received and the tangible impact of his work. He has been a featured presenter at the National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Conference and delivered the Commencement Address at Boys Town (NE). His impactful work , which is featured in the 2021 regional Emmy-nominated 'We Will Not Be Silent,' Has made a significant difference. He is scheduled to be a featured presenter at the 2024 AMLE (Association for Middle-Level Educators) conference (Nashville, TN), and has been profiled on the podcast Leading with Purpose. His achievements have also been acknowledged at the 2023 Nebraska Clerks Institute Academy, where he received rave reviews, and as the 27-year lead advisor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Youth Rally. He is the weekly host of 93.7 The Ticket "Bigger Than the Score. He continues to honor his mother, a 40-year educator, through service and championing the fight against Alzheimer's. The founder and PBO “Primary Belief Officer” of Peter Ferguson BHS, LLC., he is the Coordinator of Culture, Inclusion, and Scholar Development for Lincoln Public Schools.